Housing Accommodations

To provide needed housing accommodations to FSU students, the Student Accessibility Services Office works in collaboration with Residence Life to match the needs of our students.

Housing Accommodation/ Emotional Support Animal (ESA)/ Service Animal Accommodations:

  1. Complete the Accessibility Accommodation Request Form (for housing only) or the ESA or Service Animal Request Form, and provide medical documentation or a psychological evaluation. This can be sent by your medical provider to the Provider Portal. 
    1. Any information/documentation that is readily available can be included with the form.
    2. Any vaccination records that accompany the ESA.
    3. Please review our documentation guidelines to learn what information is most helpful to share.
    4. If you do not have access to the documentation at the time of submitting the form, please continue to submit the form. Documentation can be submitted when you have obtained it.


  1. We will review all documentation sent to the Student Accessibility Services.
    1. We may ask for more documentation if needed.


  1. Once documentation has been approved, the Director of Student Accessibility Services will forward the student request to the Residence Life Office or Edgewood Commons.


  1. Both housing and ESA/ Service Animal accommodations must be requested yearly.
Please see the ESA housing policy for specific requirements for the Residence Life Office and for Edgewood Commons.